Potluck Style Taco Dip


Potluck Style Taco Dip

Potluck Style Taco Dip

Get ready for your next potluck with this Potluck Style Taco Dip. Taco dip with ground beef is very popular for casual get-togethers because almost everyone enjoys its creamy texture and spicy flavor. Make it your own with your personal mild or spicy salsa selection and serve it with more than just tortilla chips. Hot taco dip tastes amazing over nachos and with hot wings. This taco dip recipe is super easy with only 10 minutes of prep time, you can leave it to cook while you get ready for the party.


Preparation Time10 min

Slow Cooker Time HIGH2 hr

Cooking MethodCasserole

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What a great way to put a taco on a chip. I think this is such a great idea. You can use if for a party or just a night when you want finger foods and simple things like a movie marathon or when you are binge watching your favorite show.


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