Slow Cooker Barbeque Burgers


Slow Cooker Barbeque Burgers

Slow Cooker Barbeque Burgers
Slow Cooker Barbeque Burgers

"These Barbeque Burgers are so easy to make and taste amazingly delicious! And no babysitting the grill – these hamburgers are cooked in the slow cooker! Slow cooking them right in the barbeque sauce gives you the most flavorful, juicy burgers imaginable. I topped them with a bit more of the barbecue sauce they cooked in and some caramelized onions and we licked our fingers and happily ate with barbecue sauce in the corners of our mouths. Add some caramelized onions and an extra drizzle of barbeque sauce and your family will not soon forget this tasty meal."

Serves4 People

Preparation Time10 min

Cooking MethodSlow Cooker

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