Slow Cooker Candied Sweet Potato Recipe

Here is a side dish recipe that you can use throughout the year for various dinner events you are hosting. This potato dish goes with practically everything and is particularly nice to include on a holiday menu. Slow Cooker Candided Sweet Potato Recipe is sweet and delightful to eat with any kind of meat or poultry as your main dish. This is easy to make and by making it in your slow cooker, you are freeing up oven space for other dishes that must be cooked in the oven. Vanilla extract, brown sugar, and some marshmellows on top give this dish that candied taste that fits in so nicely with your sweet potatoes. Make this easy slow cooker sweet potato recipe for your next holiday.
Preparation Time10 min
Slow Cooker Time LOW4 hr
OccasionCasual Dinner Party, Formal Dinner Party
Recipe CourseSide Dish
Taste and TextureSweet
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