Slow Cooker Balsamic Beef Sandwiches


Slow Cooker Balsamic Beef Sandwiches

Slow Cooker Balsamic Beef Sandwiches

These Slow Cooker Balsamic Beef Sandwiches are sure to be a hit at your next party or family dinner. Slow cooker roast beef is a delicious and versatile meat that can be served on sandwiches, in quesadillas or over rice. The sauce that the beef is cooked in is made of a combination of beef broth, balsamic vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, honey and garlic, making the beef extremely tender and flavorful. Serve this balsamic roast beef recipe on sandwich or hoagie buns, topped off with lettuce, tomatoes and cole slaw.


Preparation Time10 min

Slow Cooker Time LOW8 hr

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Oh, yes, this sounds so tasty! I love that you combine so many tasty ingredients. The Worcestershire sauce and balsamic vinegar just make the roast so moist, right? I love the combination along with the soy sauce. I imagine a deep, rich flavor that is right up our alley for sure.


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